Monday, June 13, 2005

Right On Schedule

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a couple events coming up:

First off, I actually have a date on Thursday night. An actual date! With a girl. Her name is Allison and she seems really cool. We've exchanged a few emails, and we even chatted for a few hours last night. We're going to go up to Bellevue, one of the rich towns of the greater Seattle area, and get some drinks and appetizers. That should be quite interesting... especially since I'm socially retarded. I just hope I don't make myself look like a complete anus like I think I will.

The next night (Friday), I just found out that one of my closest friends, Rob, will be in town with his family. He's the one who had moved to Texas and gotten married a few years back. We've only seen each other a couple times since. His parents may even drive over from Idaho, and I guess they're all staying over at my parents' place. I hear they're interested in playing board games with us, somewhat of an old traditon. That's one of those little things I miss. One of those things in life you don't appreciate enough until it comes back years later and you think to yourself "hey! i used to love this! whatever happened to it?". Well, things change. I can't believe his oldest daughter is five already. Where does the time go? I feel old. But still, I'm looking forward to it.

On Saturday, I should be getting my keys to the new apartment. Keeley will be moving all her stuff in this weekend, but I'm going to start out moving the small stuff... whatever I can fit in my car, until the following weekend. Then, I'll get my dad to help me haul my big stuff over. Luckily, I don't have much big stuff anyway. I like to think I do sometimes, but I don't.

So my week is already going to be hectic, but I don't mind. In fact, it gives me the satisfaction of feeling like I get things taken care of and therefore, don't have to worry about any longer. In the meantime, I'm also looking into planning a visit to the doctor for a minor surgical procedure. That's been on my mind as well. More on that later...

Finally, I just found out that NIN ('nine inch nails', for you less fortunate) will be in Seattle on 09/23/05 @ Key Arena. This is something I HAVE to see, because I still haven't forgiven myself for not seeing them last time I had the chance (back in 2000). I've already emailed Wayne (a fellow fan) with the info and recommended that he plan a trip over here for that. So now, I need to worry about not getting screwed out of tickets. They're going to go very fast, I know it. This will also confirm my third concert of the summer/fall seasons. I already have my November 3rd Paul McCartney tickets (also @ Key Arena), and I just got my Rain tickets in the mail today (@ the Paramount Theater late next month). So I'm really looking forward to a good year of great music! :) ... And I'm not even counting what may come up in the meantime. If Mayer announces a new tour anytime soon, there are a quick couple more concerts to make. My dad and I almost planned to go see Tom Petty again, but we opted not to because neither of us are really fans of The Black Crowes (who are opening for him). Plus, we have Paul to look forward to anyway. :) In the meantime, I have my eye on plenty of other tours...


  1. wow, we haven't talked awhile, have we?

    well, i've missed you in the meantime, and i'm so happy that you're getting it together.


    talk to you soon?

  2. I hope this Allison chick isn't the 19-year-old one? Hahahahaha.
