Sunday, July 22, 2007


You are the closest thing to perfection I have seen in this life.
...But you don't know this.

You can smile and change the subject of every conversation in a room.
...But you don't know this.

I fantasize about wrapping your hair around me like a blanket and falling asleep.
...But you don't know this.

You might be everything I've always needed.
...But you don't know this.

The thought of you keeps me strong and focused.
...But you don't know this.

Because of you, I am a better man than I ever thought possible.
...But you don't know this.

I often wish I lived among the stars just so I could always watch over you.
...But you don't know this.

I would die without hesitation to keep you protected.
...But you don't know this.

My fear of losing you is much more intense than any other fear.
...But you don't know this.

Your touch feels like home to me.
...But you don't know this.

Your scent makes me feel safe.
...But you don't know this.

I can see my future in your eyes.
...But you don't know this.

I already have plans for us.
...But you don't know this.

You don't know any of this.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Turn

For years I have struggled with trying to figure out what it is I want. Knowing the things I don't want has never been a problem for me, and I have avoided those things accordingly all my life. But something is different now. A new chapter has begun. The proverbial "turn" in the high-stakes hand of life. Now anything can happen... and it has.

For the first time I can recall, I know exactly what I want.

I want to let go of the unnecessary weight I struggle to carry every day. I want to live a simplified life and appreciate everything I have. I want to finally figure out who around me deserves to be a part of my life, and I want to enjoy everything about those who do. I want to be secure... not only in a financial sense, but a romantic one as well. I want to be safe and healthy. I want a small house that I can call my own; a house with a cozy basement destined to be a movie room and a lounge full of color. I want to continue my aspiration to improve myself in any way I can. I want to be better than I was the day before. I want to tone my body and become physically stronger. "I want to look good naked." I want to travel... to lands I never thought I'd see through my own eyes. I want to see more of my own land as well. I want to spend money on experience, not possession. I want to help end animal cruelty and neglect. I want to help people. I want to show them what they can do for themselves and each other if they would only learn to open their eyes and see the world in front of them. I want to take in all the pain and suffering in the world and turn it into something much more beautiful. I want to finally be the man I've always been deep inside. I want all this and more...

But most of all, I just want you.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Thoughts To Think About # 6

You will never be perfect. But you already are perfect in someone else's eyes...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Thoughts To Think About # 5

Love is expressed through action, not through words.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Land Of The Free

My whole life, I've never understood the concept of my country - the United States of America - being the only one to ever be referred to as "America". I remember being a small boy and asking adults why there are two full continents named America, when nobody ever considers the countries within them (aside from the U.S. of course) to be American countries. I still have yet to figure this out, or find someone who can logically explain this to me.

The picture above, according to every world map I've seen, shows the great land of America. Canada is in America. Argentina is in America. Costa Rica is in America. Brazil, Peru, Greenland, Ecuador, Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Belize.... They are all part of America. Yet somehow, I seem to be the only person refusing to ever refer to the U.S. as "America".

I guess I can be pretty anal about things sometimes.