Thursday, September 12, 2013

Symphony Of The Goddesses

Benaroya Hall, Seattle

The Legend Of Zelda: Symphony Of The Goddesses!! My first symphony experience: the greatest thing I've ever seen with my own ears. What an amazing night!

(And hats off to my great wife who put up with an hysterically excited geek-man-boy all night.)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Captain Shit Filter

Dear Life,

   Please feel free to keep throwing all of your bullshit at me. Every day I'm becoming more and more determined to take in that bullshit, break it down on a molecular level, absorb it into my system and transfer its energy into happy units. I will then take said happy units and blast them randomly back into the world. This is how I will conquer you. I suppose in that sense you can call me "Captain Shit Filter". That's what I do... I filter your shit and turn it into something better.

   The more bullshit you send my way, the happier the rest of the world will end up. So bring that shit on! I'm ready for some more!

--- Captain Shit Filter

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We Could Be Heroes

We spend our time complaining about everything that's wrong in the world and waiting for the next big hero to come along and change it for us. What we continue to overlook is the fact that each and every one of us has the capacity to be that hero; to change the world for the better. Only YOU can truly improve your life.

How badly do you want it?