Friday, October 23, 2009

BJ Shea's 10th Anniversary Party

Ever since I moved to the Seattle area back in December of 2000, and checked out the local radio, I have been a fan of BJ Shea. His show - The BJ Shea Morning Experience on 99.9 KISW, the ROCK of Seattle - is the number one morning show in the Pacific Northwest.

BJ has been in Seattle for ten years now, and he and his crew threw a party at the Snoqualmie Casino to celebrate with friends and listeners. Dian and I had to check it out...

The Setting: Snoqualmie Casino Ballroom in Snoqualmie, Washington.

Getting ready for the party

Meeting The Rev (aka The Reverend En Fuego). His shirt cracked me up. It showed a midevil knight flipping someone off with the text, "Fuck Ye!", above.

With STP (aka Steve The Producer), a truly great guy.

Hangin' out

With Double R

Dian with Topshelf and 'Rock Girl' Katie

Bullshittin' with Toppy.

He was a really cool guy.

He received a gift from one of the listeners: Two copies of Mario Kart Wii. He had only wanted the two steering wheels for the game (one comes with each copy). So upon learning that we had also just bought a Wii, he made us a deal. He gave us one of the games and told us to go out and buy another steering wheel. He would do the same, and then we'd both have the game and two steering wheels. How awesome is that?!

Meeting one of my heroes, BJ Shea

He was one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.

Me, Toppy, Dian and Jared (a former member of the show)

Dian and I had a total blast. Not only did we get to hang out with the guys and meet them all, we also got to check out the fairly new Snoqualmie Casino, which we had never been to. We met some cool people, and even took home a free copy of Mario Kart Wii thanks to Toppy!

The BJ Morning Experience. A group of really great guys.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Never Too Late

Close your eyes.

Think of someone close to you.

Now, imagine this person suddenly died today.

How would you feel? How would it affect you? What are your regrets in your relationship with them?

Try to convince yourself that they are really gone today. Immerse yourself in these thoughts...


Open your eyes.

Realize that this person is still here among us. Realize that it's not too late to let them know how you truly feel. It's not too late for you to express your appreciation to them.

It's not too late.

What are you waiting for?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In 3-D

Some of us can only see through a red lens. Some of us can only see through blue. When we learn to see through both, we will finally be able to view and understand our world in new dimensions.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Walking Contradiction

On occasion, I feel like a walking contradiction.

I am an atheist who's intrigued by theology. The idea of time travel fascinates me, but I believe that time itself, as we know it, doesn't actually exist; it's merely a creation of man. I prefer hot weather to cold, regardless of my skin's reaction to too much sun. I throw with my right hand but kick with my left foot. I'm a peace-advocating person at war with the stupidity in the world. I have much to say, but trouble getting the right words out. I love animals, but I have no pets. I support animal rights, but I still crave meat.