Thursday, October 26, 2006

I've Got Mail!

My package just arrived today from Amazon. By the shape of the box alone, anyone can see it contains a few DVDs. Upon looking through the standard hole in the side of the box, I see the official Amazon receipt - clearly visible to all who see the box - folded neatly in just the right places to show the contents of my package as "Men In Tights --- DVD".


That's nice...

Oh well, at least I finally have one of my favorite comedies, ROBIN HOOD: Men In Tights on DVD now! Plus, I also got the third season of my favorite sitcom, Wings, and my man Al's new album, 'Straight Outta Lynwood'.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


In case I have never mentioned this before, I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for Michael J. Fox. From 'Family Ties' to 'Back To The Future' to 'Spin City'... he has always seemed to be a great guy. I completely feel for his current struggle with PD, and wish nothing but the best for him and his determination to find a cure.

We're right there with you, Michael!

Check out Michael's site

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thoughts To Think About # 1

A new blog series for you all to enjoy. Introducing: "Thoughts To Think About". A brief but ongoing collection of statements I wholeheartedly believe to be true. These thoughts marinate deep in my head...

Today's entry:

No problem will ever be solved through ignorance.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Today's Fortune

"You will reach high levels of intelligence."

I really like that one. Plus, chinese food is just fucking good.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Own Private Gutter

And so I'm at work today looking over a medical report to scan into our system, and the following dictation catches my eye: "... submandibular gland with pussy drainage". My first reaction was, "...... Damn! Here's a doctor who doesn't care about being politically correct... And how is that even relevant to the jaw anyway?!"

But then it suddenly dawned on me that in this case, "pussy" was actually referring to something being full of pus.

The moral here: I suppose it's true what my friends often say... my mind is always in the gutter.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mayer & Crow

The 09/23/06 concert was amazing! The opening band, Marjorie Fair, had an interesting sound... reminiscent of Radiohead and Coldplay. Unfortunately, I was not at all familiar with them, so I couldn't tell you anything about the stuff they played. Besides, I have to admit I spent their whole set looking forward to John Mayer's stage entrance.

Enter John. Although it was a bit odd seeing him sacfrifice his headline for someone else and go for a slightly shorter set list, he was still his usual entertaining self. The only complaint I had was that the bass seemed to get lost somewhere in the mix. This was especially unfortunate due to the fact that much of his newer material has some killer bass hooks. But still, I fully enjoyed seeing John live for the fifth time.

John's set list:

  • Belief
  • [jam]
  • Vultures
  • Good Love Is On The Way
  • Gravity
  • Why Georgia
  • Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
  • Bigger Than My Body
  • I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)
  • Daughters
  • [encore]
  • Waiting On The World To Change
  • No Such Thing


Although I've been a longtime fan of Sheryl Crow's, I still had yet to see her perform live. So there was no doubt I would also enjoy her set... And I very very did! She played a lot of her great stuff, as well as some newer songs I hadn't heard yet but forced myself to remember so I could download the tracks online. I recommend seeing her if you ever get the chance. She puts on a great show!

All in all, it was a great night! One more fantastic concert to chalk up in my memory bank. The funny thing is, I have gone alone to three of my last four concerts. Perhaps soon I'll find some people who care to join me in my ongoing quest for more concert experience...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Guess Who's Back...... Back Again

Alright all you crazy sons-a-bitches out there... (you know I dig you). I am finally back from the cyber-dead and ready to celebrate the overdue release of Ryan v2.0.

In these past two months, without my social aorta, life has been quite the carnival ride. Many ups and downs. Twisted perspectives, jerky stops and flip-arounds. The company of unfamiliar people. The loss of familiar ones. Music continuously pumping somewhere in the background of life. The temporary loss of control. Random laughter and screaming. A few corndogs and some occassional vomiting.

I think it's about time for me to experience a different ride.

I am 27 now, and I can't help noticing some changes in the way I think. Good changes. I have reached some decisions that for one reason or another had previously eluded me. Some of them have already been put into effect. Others will merge themselves into reality very soon. I am being vague about this, I know. But for those of you who may be curious to know the specifics, there will be plenty of time for me to explain later... just be patient. All I will say at this point is that for the first time, I feel in control. I know what needs to be done, and how to do it. Perhaps motivation has finally found its path to me. My dark clouds are finally beginning to dissipate.

Tomorrow's forecast: Warm and bright, with a 90% chance of clarity.